Legal Notice
Publisher identification
Company name: Veolia Environmental Services
Legal form: SA - Société anonyme
HQ address: CIRCPACK by Veolia, Avenue Charles-Quint 584/ 7, 1082 Berchem-Sainte-Agathe
Company number: 0422.572.481
Phone number: +32(0)2 209 70 00
N°VAT INTRA : BE0422.572.481
Director of publication
Laurent OBADIA
Hosting service provider
The website CIRCPACK by Veolia is host by the company alphamosa
Address: 109 Av. Jean Monnet, 51430 Bezannes
Phone number: +33 (0)3 26 48 17 56
Personal data treatment
In accordance with the provisions of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on data processing, data files and individual liberties, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To request modification, rectification or deletion of the data concerning you, simply send a letter by e-mail or by post as mentioned above, providing proof of your identity.
For more details: consult the privacy policy page on ReCoRe.
CIRCPACK by Veolia cannot be held responsible for any material errors that may have crept into the documents on the site, despite the care taken in their publication.
CIRCPACK by Veolia cannot be held responsible for information, comments or opinions expressed on sites to which it provides hypertext links and for which it does not have editorial control.
CIRCPACK by Veolia cannot be held responsible for faulty data transmission due to the various Internet networks or incompatibilities due to the User’s browser.
Some of the illustrations used on this site come from the and/or library.
Copyright and intellectual property
The general structure, as well as the texts, photos, images and sounds making up this site, are the property of CIRCPACK by Veolia. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, and any representation of the substantial content of this site, of one or more of its components, by any process whatsoever, without express authorisation, is prohibited, and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
The information, pictograms, photographs, images, texts, video sequences, with or without sound, and other documents present on the website are protected by industrial and/or intellectual property rights, either because CIRCPACK by Veolia is the owner thereof, or because CIRCPACK by Veolia is authorised to reproduce and represent them.
As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or modification, in part or in full, or transfer to another site is prohibited.
Hard copies of these various copyright items for private use are authorised in accordance with article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Reproduction in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the author is strictly prohibited.
Hypertext links
This site contains links to other sites.
CIRCPACK by Veolia cannot be held responsible for the content, products, services, etc. available on or from these sites.
Applicable law
This site is subject to the provisions of French domestic law. The default language of the site is French. However, other languages may be offered for information purposes. In the event of a dispute, only the French courts will have jurisdiction.
We are committed to constantly improving the accessibility of our content so that access to information is free from discrimination or inequality. There is still work to be done in this area. We therefore welcome your comments, remarks and suggestions.
Updating the site
This site is regularly updated by CIRCPACK by Veolia. In the same way, the legal notices may be modified at any time: they are nevertheless binding on the Internet user, who is invited to refer to them as often as possible in order to become familiar with them.
Our departments make every effort to provide visitors to this website with reliable and verified information. However, despite all the care taken, the site may contain inaccuracies, out-of-date information or errors.
Last update: 03/05/2023